
Nalezeno "Black Panther": 18

Peter Parker Can’t Do The ‘Wakanda Forever’ Salute In Spider-Man 2

Miles Morales and Peter Parker have a lot in common, both swinging around New York City in spandex as Spider-Man and compulsively quipping at bad guys before punching their lights out. The duo even share skill tree points in Insomniac Games’ recently released Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. However, only...

New Black Panther Game Coming From Former Shadow Of Mordor Devs

Turns out the rumors were true and Electronic Arts is in fact working on a new single player Black Panther game. It’s coming from the publisher’s new Cliffhanger Games studio formed by industry veterans, including developers from Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor studio, Monolith Productions. Read...

The Maligned Avengers Get Second Chance on Xbox Game Pass

In a world where blockbuster comic book video games flounder due to repetitive endgame content, one subscription game service takes Earth’s mightiest heroes under its wing. It’s Xbox Game Pass to Marvel’s Avengers’ rescue as the multiplayer superhero game joins Microsoft’s service this...

Kratos Voices Black Panther In Marvel’s Avengers

Though his time in the role as the Marvel cinematic universe’s Black Panther was tragically cut short by colon cancer, actor Chadwick Boseman embodied the role of T’Challa so fully that it’s hard to imagine anyone else providing the character’s voice. Though initially reluctant, Christopher Judge...

Our First Look At Black Panther In Marvel’s Avengers

You know what Marvel’s Avengers needs? New content. Specifically, Black Panther content. Revealed at Square Enix’s E3 2021 press conference, T’Challa finally joins up with Ms. Marvel and friends later this year in the free War for Wakanda expansion, and while we don’t have a date, we at least have...

Marvel, Give Me A Dora Milaje Video Game Already

Marvel Studios, Disney, whoever’s in charge of licensing Marvel properties nowadays, come, let me bend your ear for I have a proposition that is guaranteed to increase your already-incalculable fortune. Are you ready to hear my 1000% foolproof money printing idea? Here goes: Dora Milaje video game....

Fortnite Toys Make Me Wish I Knew More About Fortnite

During this past Friday’s Pulse Fan Fest Event, Hasbro announced a bunch of cool-looking figures being added to its Fortnite line this fall, including a lady Black Panther with a tail, formal gas mask guy, Destiny reject, and clear blue easy. Also, there’s a giant shark that splits in two...

Black Panther Finally Announced For Marvel's Avengers

Black Panther should have been in Marvel’s Avengers from day one. Instead, he’s a DLC character whose announcement was delayed last year due to the unfortunate passing of actor Chadwick Boseman. During today’s Square Enix Presents stream Black Panther was finally revealed, coming to the game later...

Black Panther: Sins of the King Blurs the Line Between Life and Death

Though Serial Box’s Black Panther: Sins of the King audiobook is set firmly outside the continuities of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe and its comic books, the new narrative drama is coursing with the same epic, politically charged energy that first made T’Challa and the nation of Wakanda some of...

Japan-Exclusive Yakuza PSP Game Gets Fan Translation

The popularity of the Yakuza franchise has exploded in the United States over the last few years, but we’ve mostly been getting games in the main series. Japan, on the other hand, has enjoyed a fair few exclusive spin-offs since the first game launched in 2005, one of which just got a...

Marvel's Weird New Multiplayer Mobile Game Goes Live

Available worldwide today for iOS and Android devices, Marvel Realm of Champions is an online team-based brawler that taps into 2015's Secret Wars comic crossover to give players access to strange, alternate-dimension versions of their favorite heroes. Read more

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